Empowerment Elevation Ceremony: Embracing Your Self Magic in Circle

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In the heart of the winter's chill, when the world seems to hush in quiet reflection, there lies an opportunity for our souls to seek elevation, to reconnect with the profound magic that resides within each of us. 

Join us in a spiritess sacred circle, a ceremony for the self, where we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Winter's embrace can sometimes leave us feeling disconnected, as if the frosty winds have numbed our spirits. 

Yet, it is precisely during these moments that our souls yearn for elevation, beckoning us to rediscover and revel in the essence of who we truly are. It is a time to keep our hearts open, even in the midst of winter's silence, for within that silence lies the space for transformation and growth.

- In our Empowerment Elevation Ceremony, we invite you to immerse yourself in a series of meditations that will lift your soul to new heights, guiding you towards a deeper connection to your inner magic. 

- Explore the mystical symbolism of the 7 knots of magic, understanding how each knot weaves a thread of empowerment into the fabric of your being.

- Through hands-on activities, we will delve into the creation of your personal magic wand, exploring how your intentions and breath intertwine to manifest your deepest desires. 

- Discover the alchemical power of water as we charge it with intention, unlocking the wellspring of inner magic that flows within you.

Join us in Clyde North on the 23rd of July, as we gather from 7:30 to 10 PM to embark on this transformative journey together. Everything you need for the ceremony will be provided, all you need to bring is an open heart and a willingness to explore the depths of your soul.

Invest in yourself with a contribution of $110,inc GST,  an investment in your journey towards self-discovery and empowerment. 

Step into the circle, embrace the magic within, and elevate your soul to new heights. 

Let the winter be a season of renewal and empowerment, as you connect with your true self and bask in the radiance of your own inner light.

Come, join us, and let the Empowerment Elevation Ceremony be the spark that ignites the fire of your soul.